Join teacher Cody Davis to learn two step and western swing dancing on Thursdays in 4-week session intervals from 7-8pm. The next session is May 2, 9, 16, & 23.
Join us every Saturday night for either a live band or DJ music from 6-10pm! Dance all night on our large, hardwood dance floor. Admission on Saturday is a $10 donation.
Thursday Night Modern Shag
Enjoy these pictures from our Dance Cruise on the Carnival Ecstasy in June of 2019.
Thursday Night Country Dancing Lessons
Thursday Night Line Dance Lessons
Saturday Night Dancing
Dance every Thursday night during our Modern Shag Night from 8:30-11pm for a $5 donation. A 30 minute lesson is followed by open dancing.
Check out this great article from the Free Times about our Shag Night!
Learn line dances during our Line Dance lesson sessions. 4-week sessions are scheduled periodically during the year from 6:30-8pm for a $40 donation. Call ahead for schedule and to register. Upcoming session is June 6, 13, 20, & 27.